What’s the one thing almost every man regrets on their deathbed? It’s not what you think…
Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives.
And worse, not everyone lives the way they wanted.
This reality is the topic of the book “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying” by Bronnie Ware.
I read it many years ago, and it´s lessons are still with me today.
Bronnie, an Australian nurse, spent eight years caring for people in the last two or three months of their lives.
During that time, she saw that many people gained a new, often painfully clear perspective on their lives—once they realized their time was running out.
From her conversations with the dying, she uncovered the top regrets people had as they looked back on their lives.
Let´s see what we can learn from them.
Here’s the top 5:
1. “I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
This regret showed up repeatedly, especially among women who felt forced into traditional roles within their families. It’s heartbreaking, right?
Now, what about the men? Their biggest regret is next…
2. “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”
This was the number one regret for men.
Every single one said it. They missed out on time with their children, their partners.
Their relentless drive for work came at the cost of the moments that mattered most.
They were dying with unfulfilled dreams still inside of them.
3. “I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.”
Instead of keeping everyone happy by suppressing their own emotions, many people realized they led a mediocre life by not being honest about how they truly felt.
4. “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”
Simple, but extremely powerful.
5. “I wish I had let myself be happier.”
Happiness, as they discovered too late, is a choice.
Stop taking life so seriously.
These are sobering thoughts, aren’t they?
They force me to think:
Am I living the life I truly want, or just running the rat race?
Remember, we don’t have unlimited time.
Maybe we have to stop working so hard for the wrong things
and start living for the right ones.
The Number 1 Regret of Men on their Deathbed…