My daily schedule for Success

I wake up at 5 a.m.,

meditate for 20 minutes,

start with a cup of coffee and a green juice.

Head to my home office for 3 hours of deep work,
writing, pushing important projects forward, focused on only the most impactful tasks.

I work out in my home gym for an hour—weights and interval—then shower and have a healthy lunch.

The afternoon’s filled with more deep work and big decisions.

I end the day with a mountain hike,

dinner with family, some reading, and journaling to set up tomorrow.

By 9 p.m., I’m in bed, feeling amazing.

But here’s reality—this day MAYBE happens once a month.

This was last Friday:

I wake up at 7 a.m., already running through my to-do list.

I grab two coffees and forget about hydration.

I post on LinkedIn but feel ´meh´ about it.

Then, I glance at yesterday’s revenue and make the rookie mistake of opening my inbox.

Suddenly, “urgent-but-unimportant” tasks take over.

I try to get back into creative mode, but my focus is shot.

I go work out, half-focused, checking social media.

I take way too long in the shower, spin my wheels trying to regain focus,

and end up handling 10E/h tasks as they flow in.

The evening?

Some Netflix, dinner with family, and bed by 10,

Still feeling happy about the day.

Here’s what I’ve learned:

Not every day has to be perfect.

You don’t have to be on your “A” game all the time.

Show up, try your best, and don’t beat yourself up when things aren’t ideal.

Success isn’t a sprint—it’s a marathon.

PS: Enjoy this? ♻️ Repost it to your network and follow Robin Coenen for more.

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