I learned the hard way that One Question can change every decision you make—are you asking it? Discover how this simple approach can transform your success.
In my 20 years as an entrepreneur, I’ve made thousands of decisions—some easy, some incredibly difficult.
Some have led to success, while others have brought valuable lessons learned the hard way ;-).
Over time, I’ve noticed a pattern in the decisions that led to success and how I could have avoided many failures.
Recognizing this pattern will guide me in making better decisions in the future, and I hope it will do the same for you.
Why does it matter?
As entrepreneurs, our success is directly tied to the quality of our judgment and decisions.
The difference between making the right choice 80% of the time versus 70% can have a significant impact on our success.
Easy choices, hard life
You’ve likely heard the quote by Jerzy Gregorek:
“Easy choices, hard life; hard choices, easy life.”
While it may sound like hard work—and it is—I’ve found that every time I’ve taken a shortcut, sought immediate gratification, or opted for the easy way out, I’ve ended up with a long-term problem.
So how do you make the right decision when that persistent voice in your head is tempting you to take the easier route?
What would my future-self do?
One powerful approach is to ask: What would my future-self do?
This concept comes from the insightful book ´Be Your Future Self Now´ by Dr. Benjamin Hardy.
When faced with a tough decision, imagine your future self, 20 years from now, coming back to offer you advice.
As Dr. Hardy wisely states:
“It’s your responsibility to set your future self up for as much opportunity, success, and joy as possible. This is how you become the person and create the life you want, rather than becoming someone with regret.”
If the quality of your choices significantly impacts your life’s outcomes (and it does), there’s immense value in making the right ones.
To help ensure you do, simply ask yourself: “What would my future self do?”